måndag 27 april 2015


.....fanns det lite tid över till bebisbilderna
damerna först :)


 och sedan grabbarna...

 sedan var det bara flickbus ......

 vissa var väldigt glada :)
å pussar !!!!

pojkarna busar

 klart man blir hungrig efter allt fotande ......

lördag 11 april 2015

Åsa and Pancho´s sons ....

....... since there were only boys in this litter, I don´t have to say "girls to the left and boys to the right" ;)
Åsa gave birth very easy to 7 boys in two hours, I am so happy that everything was so easy, and here are the boys, newborn <3 brindles and mahogny brindles with white <3
Thank you Rick for making this happend :) and thank you David for helping out :)


love them all <3